Expires: 10/01/2028

The inspector has authorisation for the following domain(s):

  • Maritime safety

Handhafi þessara skilríkja hefur heimild til eftirlits í samræmi við ákvæði laga nr. 80/2022 um loftferðir, laga nr. 119/2012 um Samgöngustofu og viðeigandi reglugerða. Skilríkin veita heimild til aðgangs að og eftirlits um borð í loftförum, auk bygginga, aðstöðu, svæða og gagna aðila sem eru háðir eftirliti Samgöngustofu

This is to certify that the cardholder is authorised to perform inspections in accordance with the Civil Aviation Act No 80/2022, the Icelandic Transport Authority Act No. 119/2012 and the relevant secondary legislation. The cardholder is authorised to access and inspect aircraft as well as all related facilities and documents subject to oversight by the Icelandic Transport Authority